Soundwalker image
Not really an interesting post. Just a thought really.
I initially created this image in Midjourney for my sound library site on Bandcamp – Soundwalker. Then I dropped it into Photoshop and used four different Generative Fill effects – just with a few prompts, nothing dramatic.
And this is what it came up with.

As an ex-creative Director, does that worry me? Not particularly. It inspires me. In the past, all those ideas that were almost impossible to explain or describe to a client without a semi-realistic, almost-complete, or simply believable visual, which was critical to the project’s success, now seem achievable. With AI and advanced editing tools, it is possible, within reason, to do pretty much anything.
No, I’m not concerned. I’m intrigued by how it will be used and how clients will accept it as a creative tool.